Wednesday, October 22, 2014

And Here I Am Again

I can't believe a year has passed since Just Like Other Daughters was released. And now my new book, As Close As Sisters, will soon be in bookstores all over the United States.I don't know why that amazes me after all these years, but I'm glad it does. So many people dream of publishing a book. I've been one of the fortunate few to realize that dream. I always tell people that its a lot more fun to SAY I'm a writer than to actually BE one because, for the most part, being a writer is kind of boring. I sit in my office alone, day after day, week after week, year after year, trying to put the story in my head on paper. Day to day, writing is more about discipline than creativity. I think we all have stories to tell; the trick is to be able to sit in that chair and write it down.

But next week, when the new book is released, it will be as fun to be a writer as it is to say I'm one.

Coming, October 28:

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